Monday, December 23, 2019

Fairytales compare and contrast - 1255 Words

Disney Fairy Tales vs. Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales Fairy tales are the reasons people believe in happy endings. As a child, Disney influenced them to believe that if you wish upon a star your dreams will come true. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Happy endings are not always the outcome, as shown by the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. The Brothers Grimm show different emotions in their writings which tend to influence a gorier side of fairy tales. Even though they are both fairy tales, the Brothers Grimm stories are far more realistic in which they show sorrow, pain, and justice. One story, by the Brothers Grimm, that shows how sorrow is influenced in their stories is â€Å"The Little Mermaid.† These two stories consist of many†¦show more content†¦Both stories have many things in common. For instance, both fairy tales have an evil queen who is the step mother of Snow White. The Queen is jealous of Snow White’s beauty with her skin â€Å"as white as snow,† lips â€Å"as red as blood,† and hair, â€Å"as black as ebony† (Tartar167). In jealous rage she decided to kill snow white. In the Brothers Grimm version, the Queen tried to kill her three times.Show MoreRelatedWhy I Learned Something New1559 Words   |  7 Pagesprocess of becoming an adult. Afterall, aren’t we all growing everyday in some kind of way? It might be a little foolish or biased, but I do believe everybody has a space to grow and something to learn, every single day. From that perspective, I will compare two movies that shows some kind of growing within masculinity in 21th century. 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